The short answer is YES. Scrum framework is quite universal. Regarding the Scrum Guide™ (November 2017) “Scrum (n): A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.” Scrum, a popular agile framework which is used in a variety of business domains.
With a few of the innovative ways, people can handle their daily lives using scrum mindset.
So how we can use Scrum in our daily life? Well, let me share my personal experience when I use Scrum for losing weight.
A few years ago, my GP warned me as a result of overweight, I was at risk for diabetes. During that time, I was 116kg and he suggested my normal weight should be between 85kg to 90kg. He gave me 6 months to either lose weight or start medication.
First, I set a realistic goal for myself based on my time limit. Remember, you should set a time limit and set a realistic goal to reach by the end of that timeframe–optimistic yet important.
After a couple of days googling and checking different ways and solutions of losing weight I found that I have only two option:
1- liposuction surgery, which is super expensive and risky.
2- Losing 3kg to 4kg per months with a good diet plan
Then I found an awesome dietitian and asked her to advise me about effective diet plan (Domain advice). She suggested me I should replace the normal food with special low crab products.
She also advised due to the effect of the method on person to person, we have to review (Sprint review) the diet program every two weeks (Sprint) to see the effect of products on me and adjust the program for the next two weeks.
Due to my conditions and knowing myself I made a vow to myself that I must to lose at least 1.5kg at the end of every two weeks (Definition of Done).
Based on my dietitian advice I bought the products and sports equipment, and I controlled my weight every morning (Daily scrum). Although I didn’t see much change at first two or three days, gradually I saw the diet plan effect at the end of the first week.
Due to the bad personal experience that I have from the effects of diabetes in my family, aiming to get the best results from my diet plan I reviewed my activities many times (Retrospective) and wherever necessary, I made changes to achieve the best result. For example, to achieve the better result from my daily exercise, I set up a tablet gear on my exercise bike which helped me to watch movies, reading books and googling during my exercise (Self-organizing).
After six months I lost 25kg, which was great, and I achieved my goal (yay).
However, it has been a long time from when I have seen my weight over 91kg, I confess that maintaining my weight less than 90 kg is not an easy task (Response to change).
As you noticed, the Scrum framework is simple and adaptable enough which you can use it for any things, even for the simplest tasks in your life.
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