A Little Bit

About Me

Hello. It is Hamid Zarei Blog.

Every company favourite scrum master.

  • Who I Am

    I am a results-driven, compassionate person who believes in the art of the possible.

    As a Scrum Master and Agile Coach, my main focus is on creating a successful team with strong self-organisation skills, cross-functionality and a drive for continuous improvement. I support Product Owners in visualising progress, creating a transparent Product Backlog and maximizing the value of the product. I help the organisation make Scrum successful by supporting management in changing processes, procedures, culture and behaviour. Due to a strong focus on the principles of Agile and the values of Scrum, I try to ensure the spirit of Scrum is truly understood.

    My technical background and highly refined scrum master, software programming and change management roles acumen, gained through both experience and education, combine to equip me well for the challenges of today’s IT world.

    I am a licensed Scrum.org Professional Scrum Master (PSM) and Agile Coach (ICP-ACC). I graduated from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) with a master degree in IT Project Management.

  • Hamid Zarei
  • My Philosophy

    For many people, sharing success stories is a source of fear and anxiety. People try to keep their success a secret. In contrast, successful people know that success is not a secret. It is a path and a story of efforts, perseverance and motivation to achieve the goal and share it is very useful for both the individual and society.
    In Scrum Saturday, I want to share what I experience and learn on my journey, especially the things related to Scrum.

Licenses & certifications


Professional Scrum Master I



ICAgile Certified Professional – Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC)


ITIL Foundation V 3.0

Total Quality Management


Azure Fundamentals

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3



AWS Cloud Practitioner

Other activities

♦ Poster presentation at the Auckland University of Technology; APA citation for my presentation: Zarei, H. (2019, August). Change management strategies for successful digital transformation. Poster session presented at the Auckland University of Technology Postgraduate Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.

Here what other people are saying about me

Hamid’s job was to Scrum Master and Software Developer. His deliveries were always very well executed, on time and flawless. He was an inspiration to the rest of us as he always went the extra mile and found great ways to quickly solve problems. I’d definitely work with Hamid again.

Ramin Etemadipour
(Senior Software Engineer)

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We’ve worked together on several projects, and Hamid is one of the best people to have as a partner. I highly recommend him as a Scrum Master and software developer.
His ability to set clear performance standards and hold team members accountable while keeping the team engaged and on task helped us during hard times, and we could innovate.
He knows how to help his pairs and get the best out of them.
Reliable, honest, supportive, smart and responsible

Viktor Riedel
(Software Developer)

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Hamid is wonderful to work with, and has exceptional expertise in software development. He consistently demonstrated a solid work ethic at Private Flight Global plus a dedication to success. Hamid is insightful, reliable, self-motivated, and very capable. Hamid has grown as quickly as our business has, and his willingness to learn and take on these new responsibilities is something to be desired in any professional.

Arad Haghi

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As a colleague in Software Development at Private Flight Global, Hamid has done an exceptional job in software development and rendering technical support for the company’s flagship software. His experience in various Microsoft-related technologies enable him to adapt to any software programming situation and experience. And with his Scrum methodology experience, he sure is a definite and valuable asset to the team.

Adrian Lauron
(Software Developer)

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I and Hamid worked in the same scrum team in Private Flight. Hamid contributed to project a lot with his experience and knowledge, as well as his sense of humor. He is a responsible developer who dedicate himself to project. He is a real team player and a good mentor.

Sinan NAR
(Software Engineer)

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My opinion about him includes two dimensions,working character and his skills:
I can honestly say, he is highly responsible for his duties while he has always been considering others as an troubleshooter. He is a hard worker and always plays a key role in developing teams.
Furthermore, from skills view point ,every of his coworkers confirms that he is very smart and fast learner. He can overcome any difficulties during a project.

Masoud Ketabati
(Lead – Senior Software Developer)

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Hamid reza is a reliable & expert IT engineer to establish and cooperate massive ICT projects.

Mohammad Sadeq Majdi
(Digital Marketing Manager)

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As I know him,Hamidreza is really hardworking and trustworthy.He is so skilled and ambitious enough as a team leader. He is knowledgable in the IT projects and Program management. He would be a great asset to any team.

Samira Bakhtiari
(Engineering Manager)

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Hamidreza is really hardworking with a strong tendency to help the others. He is so skilled and ambitious enough as a team leader. He is expert in the IT projects and Program management. He would be a reliable and responsible member for any team.

Zahra Mehdipour
(Electronics Assembly and Test Engineer)

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I have worked with many professionals throughout my journey, but Hamid was a unique one.
His work ethics are pristine, and he is easily adjustable to a given situation. His ability to go out of his way to help others has made him stand out.
He is the most profound person I have met, and his ability to tackle any problem is remarkable and with a warm smile.
Hamid would become an appreciated member of any team.

Andrei Kainer
(Senior Web Developer)

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